Why does GWT History in IE make my page refresh?…

It’s always something simple –  Dang ‘#’ delimiter…

I’m still pretty new to Google Web Toolkit- I’ve been “gwitting” it up for about 2 months now, so there are far more experienced GWT guys out there. If my answer doesn’t help – check one of their blogs or the GWT Issues List

So – here’s what my issue was: I chose to use the history token as a string containing values which I would parse to determine page state. I chose the ‘##’  as my delimiting token thinking that this was a fairly safe choice.

Turns out that isn’t the case. If you check out the issues list for GWT you’ll find this little guy . As it turns out, Internet Explorer doesn’t play nice with using ‘#’ within your history token. Good to know!

The workaround did it for me – changed up the ‘##’ token with ‘&&” and all was go.

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